

OutFox head gear 2015

Diane, the creator and manufacturing company that makes the "Outfox" field guard, dropped off her new proto-type for me to test. 
So early this morning, my granddaughters and dogs headed up to the hills to give the new head gear a "field trial."
Chloe is wearing the last version from last year and Bailey the newest version.
My granddaughter enjoying the hills with the dogs.
These are a great investment in your dog's safety.
This new version holds on better and is tougher than earlier models.

But when Bailey and Chloe were playing keep away with a small ball they found, the hoods came off. 
The improvement in this hood is that the larger Vero straps hold better so the hood is not lost in the fields as easily as earlier versions.
All in all a very favorable review of the improvements.
Don't go into foxtail filled fields without them.
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