

A Walk in the Rain - Finally!

Wanting to actually hike in the rain? 
You bet!  Living in Northern California right now means living through the worst drought in our state's history. 
"To put the lack of rain in context, San Jose, Oakland and San Francisco all have received between 2 and 3 inches of rain since July 1. That puts them at about 25 percent of normal for this time of year. Even if this weekend's powerful storms double that total, which is a real possibility, Bay Area cities will still be just 50 percent of normal."  - Contra Costa Times
 The dogs had a great time.  The rain didn't slow them down a bit! 


It could rain like this for a month and it would be fine with me. 
 Maybe our ponds that are dry will have water in them by the end of the weekend.  That would be fantastic.

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