

Redbirddog's fifth anniverary today

Five years ago, I just got back from a field trial in Hungry Valley Nevada (30 miles northeast of Reno).  Bailey had come in fourth in a Derby stake our of twenty upland bird dogs.  I was feeling good about my dogs and wanted to share. 

June 8, 2009 I posted this:

There was this guy out of New York City "The Regal Vizsla" that had a blog.  I loved reading the stories of his adventures on the East Coast.  I thought why not do one for the West Coast in a similar way.

A friend of mine suggested several names including Red Bird Dog.  I was thinking of what to call this blog.  Perfect!  Now it is evolving into a business. 

Never would I have imaged that five years ago.

So on June 8th, 2009 I started sharing places, pictures, adventures, advice, dramas, wins, loses, breeding, puppies, human and dog relationships, and dog books I love.  I never ran out of things to post.  Some times time would restrict me from posting but never the desire to share what a great adventure these two Hungarian Pointers have added to my life.

Didn't think about it today until I got the below e-mail.  Name left out but everything is just how it came in.


My name is (VIZSLA LOVER) and I am a Soldier in the California National Guard currently deployed to Kuwait. I return to the states in December and will be looking for my buddy. I have never been a hunter of animals, outside of the two legged kind who hurt good people, but wish to learn. I have researched the bejeezers out of dog breeds and have been surer of few things as much as I am that v's are for me. I have seen your handle and your postings all over the net. I like what you say and your reputation. I'm not just looking for a breeder. I'm looking for advice on how to start bird hunting and all the things associated with that. I have a few hundred questions but don't want to over impose. If you have the time please shoot me a line and I'll be more than happy to give you my full background and desires for my future with my buddy.... Thank you.

Redbirddog has changed over the last five years.  Hope for the better.  I keep learning and sharing.  Isn't the internet great.  150,000 visits and 280,000 pages viewed. 

Happy trails.
Rod aka RBD

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